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Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College

interdisciplinary approach

This interdisciplinary approach of home science has also increased over the years because not only have the professional roles changed their nature but also few have become possible for professional home scientists.



A professional home scientist requires a combination of knowledge from several specializations. This interdisciplinary approach of home science has also increased over the years because not only have the professional roles changed their nature but also few have become possible for professional home scientists. The philosophy of home science has also changed to prepare individuals for professional roles rather than to prepare them only for home making. Today home science is aimed at preparing professional workers like teachers, nurses, dietitians, researchers, social workers, designers, administrators. etc. Therefore the interdisciplinary approach of home science has taken a new dimension.


Life Span Development or child development has interdisciplinary connectors with child psychology, pediatrics, social work, extension, family welfare, adult education and nutrition.


Physiology collaborates with physicians and specialists from different specialties like neurology, nephrology, cardiology, skin, orthopedics etc.


Food, Nutrition and Health has interdisciplinary collaboration with biochemistry, microbiology, dietetics, physicians and specialists in social medicine etc.


Home Management is concerned with housing, management, interior designing, soil, structural engineering, energy, carpentry, furnishing etc.


Fundamentals of Textiles and Clothing have interdisciplinary approaches to textiles chemistry, weaving, textile designing, fashion designing, garment production industries, and chemicals dyes etc.


Communication Skills works in collaboration with media, advertising, extension and information dissemination.

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11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College : interdisciplinary approach |

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