Home | Interior decoration of House - Elements of Art, Structural design

Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College

Interior decoration of House - Elements of Art, Structural design

Interior decoration of House - Elements of Art, Structural design
Line: Line is the basic element. Line has three dimensions. They are length, thickness and direction. Lines can be classified into straight, curved lines or combination of these as zig zag line, scalloped lines.

Elements of Art


Line: Line is the basic element. Line has three dimensions. They are length, thickness and direction. Lines can be classified into straight, curved lines or combination of these as zig zag line, scalloped lines. Straight lines give a rigid, formal appearance where as curved line indicates feminity and flexibility. They also give gracious look.


Lines can take vertical, horizontal, diagonal directions or a combination of these. Vertical lines suggest dignity and create the illusion of height to the room. Horizontal lines give a restful effect and make the room look lengthier and reduces height. Diagonal lines are dynamic and create the impression of restlessness if used in excess.

Form: Form is referred to as area, mass and shape. When lines are drawn in different directions, they meet at common points to form different shapes. A solid has three dimensions and the flat forms have two dimensions of length and width. Too many varieties in form create confusion. A rectangular and square form can be obtained by combining horizontal and vertical lines. A triangular form can be produced by combining vertical or horizontal and diagonal lines.


Size: Size is the dimension of objects. It may vary from small, smaller, smallest or large, larger and largest.


Texture: Texture is the surface quality of the material. This can be classified into actual and visual texture. Actual texture is the one that can be felt when we touch and visual texture is the one that can be identified through visual examination. A rough texture absorbs more light and smooth texture reflects light. Texture in home may refer to wall finish, rugs, woodwork, an oil painting, a ceramic urn or wood used for furniture.

Colour: Colour adds beauty to any expression of art. Colour can bring about warm or cool effect, light or dark effect, bright or dull effect in the articles and different areas of the house.


Design: A good design shows an orderly arrangement of lines, forms, colours and textures. It involves the problem of choosing these forms and colours and then arranging them. It can be structural and decorative.


Structural design


Structural design is the design made by the size, form, colour and texture of an object. Structural design is essential to every object.

Requirements of a good structural design

It should be simple and beautiful.

It should be suited to its purpose.


It should be well proportioned.


It should be suited to the material of which it is made.


It should have originality.

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11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College : Interior decoration of House - Elements of Art, Structural design |

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